Maximizing Resources: Networking with Area Agencies on Aging
Maximizing Resources: Networking with Area Agencies on Aging

Are you networking with Area Agencies on Aging in your community? Area Agencies On Aging are valuable resources that support the independence, health, and well-being of eligible older adults, including those who are blind or have low vision. What opportunities do they offer to help your clients thrive? Join us as our panel of presenters share the array of activities and services offered, along with the benefits of connecting with these resources to promote collaboration and inclusion. Learn, too, about the benefits to participants through first-hand experience.
Release date: 2025
Contact Info
Dr. Priscilla Rogers:
Larry Johnson:
Olivia Umoren:
Dr. Priscilla Rogers 
Pris Rogers consults for APH VisionAware and co-chairs the National Aging and Vision Loss Coalition. She is also special advisor to the American Foundation for the Blind on aging and vision loss. Additionally, she is the director of a small senior center in her community. She has her master's in gerontology and a Ph.D. in aging and vision loss.
She is the former director of the Adjustment Training Program for Older Blind at the Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind and was the director of Channel Markers for the Blind (now the Pinellas Lighthouse for the Blind). She also served as Bureau Chief of Client Services for the Florida Division of Blind Services and as the Commissioner of the Department for the Blind in Kentucky.
Pris has authored articles and books on vision and aging loss and spoken at many national conferences over her almost 50 years in the field.
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson is a graduate of Northwestern University’s School of Speech and has a Master’s Degree in Economics & Latin American Studies, from La Universidad de las Americas in Mexico City.
His professional background includes:
21 years as Human Resources manager with AT&T/Southwestern Bell Telephone.
23 years as a radio and television broadcaster in the U.S. and Mexico.
Olivia Umoren
Olivia Umoren is the Director, Public Policy and Advocacy at USAging. In her role, Olivia directs the association’s legislative affairs and advocacy efforts to advance federal policies that address the needs of an aging America, plays a vital role in the development of USAging’s policy positions and priorities, and represents USAging in meetings with congressional staff and administration officials.
Prior to joining USAging, Olivia was a Manager of Federal Affairs at the National Committee for Quality Assurance, a Government Affairs Manager at the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs, and a Senior Clinical Research Coordinator at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School where she supported Alzheimer’s and dementia research.
Olivia holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Public Health from the George Washington University.