Making a Difference: Social Isolation, Vision, Hearing and Falls Prevention

Making a Difference: Social Isolation, Vision, Hearing and Falls Prevention


In this webinar, Valerie and Kirsten will help draw the connection between how the loss of vision and hearing impact fall risk and increase social isolation. They will discuss the ways in which falling can lead to reduced activity levels and low mental health. They will also share their experiences in implementing a fall risk reduction program called A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls and the solutions found to increase participation for people who have vision or hearing loss.

Participants will have the opportunity to experience a vision and hearing loss simulation, identify strategies to increase participation in evidence-based programming, and hear from a program leader who has vision loss himself about his experiences.

This webinar is aimed at anyone interested to learn about how participating in evidence-based programming for fall prevention can improve physical health, increase mental well-being, and reduce social isolation in older adults.

Release date: 2023



Making a Difference: Social Isolation, Vision, Hearing and Fall Prevention Slides


Headshot of Valerie Biediger. She is smiling, and has shoulder-length brown hair, and light skin

Valerie Biediger, MS, M.Ed.

Valerie Biediger is the Health and Wellness Specialist with the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) – Bexar Area Agencies on Aging (BAAA). She assists older adults ages 60 and older to maintain their independence, mobility, and quality of life through evidence based programs focusing on falls prevention, increasing exercise, nutrition, and healthy eating.

Valerie has worked for over 13 years as the BAAA Health and Wellness Specialist and another 1 ½ years prior to that as the BAAA Mobility Specialist focusing on senior transportation issues. Her years of service to older adults in the San Antonio Area have provided her with a wealth of knowledge and skills which she utilizes to best meets the needs of those she serves. During these years, Valerie has coordinated and trained numerous volunteers and community partners to disseminate between 20 to 30 evidence-based classes per year, assisting older adults to be more independent, active, and healthy. She is currently a Master Trainer for Matter of Balance and trained in Texercise Select and Bingocize. Previously she was a Master Trainer for the Chronic Disease and Diabetes Self-Management programs.

She enjoys outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, gardening, floating Texas Rivers, and spending time with her family and friends. She can be reached at for additional program information. Valerie holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University, a Master’s in Human Sciences, and a Master’s in Education – Community Counseling from Texas Tech University.

Professional headshot of Kirsten Dorsey. She is smiling in front of a blue background wearing a grey blazer with a white shirt. She wears wide-rimmed glasses, and has blue eyes and grey hair.

Kirsten Dorsey, OTR/L

Kirsten is the National Program Director for A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls Lay Leader model which is a program developed by MaineHealth’s Partnership for Healthy Aging designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. A Matter of Balance is designated by the Administration for Community Living as a top-tier, evidence-based Falls Prevention program. Kirsten started with A Matter of Balance in March 2020, and her first project was creating, piloting, and distributing the virtual translation of the MOB program.

Kirsten is an Occupational Therapist and has worked with many older adults after a fall. She is very excited to now be focusing on preventing falls and loves to share the practical things that we can all do to prevent falls and stay upright!

She lives in Southern Maine with her husband and a 16-year-old cat who still is top notch at keeping mice out of the farmhouse.