Navigating Finances for Older Individuals with Vision Loss

Navigating Finances for Older Individuals with Vision Loss

Join us for a webinar with Penny Forward on how older blind individuals can continue to manage their finances with vision loss.


Join us for a webinar with Penny Forward on how older blind individuals can continue to manage their finances with vision loss. Our experienced panel, including Chris Peterson, Liz Bottner, and Moe Carpenter, will guide you through small changes your clients can make to adapt to their changing vision, low-tech solutions that are still effective, and high-tech solutions that can make managing their finances easier than ever before. We'll discuss how self-advocacy is critical to maintaining your clients’ independence. Plus, learn about Penny Forward, a nonprofit organization that offers accessible financial education and counseling for individuals with vision loss. Don't let vision loss hold your clients back from managing their finances with confidence. Join us for this informative and empowering presentation.

Release date: 2023


Speaker Bios:

MOe Carpenter 

MOe Carpenter is a devoted stay-at-home mom of four children who resides in central Iowa. Despite being blind since birth due to LCA (Leber Congenital Amaurosis), MOe is a hardworking administrative assistant for Penny Forward and is currently studying for her AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Certification. She has a keen interest in finding ways to save money and enjoys exploring new destinations whenever she can. MOe is an accomplished crafter who enjoys working with fiber arts, and her creations are a testament to her creativity and skill.

Liz Bottner

Liz Bottner is the vice president of the Penny Forward board of directors and the co-host and co-producer of the Penny Forward podcast. She is a certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist (CATIS) and Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT), Liz credits her initial interest in the blindness rehabilitation field to those positive blindness rehabilitation professionals she had in her life early on who helped set her up for success in terms of being able to effectively navigate through the world despite having vision loss. She received her Master’s in Blind Rehabilitation Teaching with a specialization in Assistive Technology from Northern Illinois University and currently works in the digital accessibility space as a 508 Compliance Analyst for Sierra7, Inc. When she is not working, Liz enjoys reading, traveling (New York City is a much-favored destination), and being active. She enjoys running (with and without her Guiding Eyes Running guide dog) and serving as goalie in playing blind hockey, especially for the Hartford Braillers-Connecticut’s blind ice hockey team.

Chris Peterson

Chris was born blind and raised with the expectation that he’d lead a successful life. He has a Bachelor’s in computer science from Southwest Minnesota State University, a Master’s in software engineering from the University of Minnesota, and has worked as a software developer for IBM, Lenovo, and Thrivent Financial.

Throughout his adult life, Chris has learned a great deal about managing his finances, mostly from accidental successes and mistakes he has made along the way. In 2020, he decided to make it his mission to teach other blind people some of the things he had to learn the hard way. Knowing he couldn’t do it alone, he began building Penny Forward, a nonprofit organization and community of people who are blind, their families, and friends, who share an interest in financial independence.

Penny Forward’s mission is to help people build the knowledge to confidently navigate the complicated landscape of personal finance through education, mentoring, and mutual support. They offer accessible online courses, weekly members-only group chats, one-to-one financial counseling, and customized accessible financial education programs for schools, training centers, and government agencies working with blind people of all ages.