Accessible Phones
Accessible Phones
“I’m looking for a phone for blind people…” How many times have you heard this question or asked it yourself? The answer, of course, “It depends.” One size definitely does not fit all. It may be in your pocket with a smartphone. It could be as close as the local phone retailer or box store. Maybe one of the newer, more specialized phones, like the BlindShell or RealSam is a better fit? In this webinar, we’ll take a broad overview of some of the more accessible phones available, from flip phones to more specialized phones, how to choose one, and where to find more resources for each phone.
Steve Kelley, CVRT
Steve found his way into the field of blindness rehabilitation and assistive technology as a computer user trying to stay in the game with a vision impairment himself. Steve received MAs in both Blindness Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Counseling from The University of Arkansas at Little Rock and has several professional certifications—CVRT, CRC, and CATIS. Most of Steve’s experience is in working with adult learners face-to-face in their homes or in a center-based program. Steve currently works with the Assistive Technology Team at Hadley where he has the good fortune to be called a Learning Expert helping to develop training workshops, work with learners remotely, and co-host a number of Hadley discussion groups. You can also find Steve at and as one of the regular writers for AFB AccessWorld and