The Unified Model of Adjustment to Vision Loss
The Unified Model of Adjustment to Vision Loss
Many vision rehabilitation professionals realize the importance of the process of adjustment for our clients. At times it may be apparent when a client is or is not well-adjusted, but for the most part, this is often more about our impression and less about our ability to notice and/or measure progress as clients move through the adjustment process. The Unified Model of Adjustment can be used to assist blindness professionals in identifying where in the process clients may be, as well as how to recognize movement through this process.
Release date: 2022
John McMahon earned his Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Teaching from Western Michigan University in 1985, and his Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences from Western in 2013.
Over the past 35+ years he has worked as a Vision Rehabilitation Therapist and program administrator in Maine, and as a VRT, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, and Low Vision Therapist in Michigan. He has been a long-time member of both the Association of Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (AVRT)and the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER). John has served on the AVRT Board of directors and as President of AVRT for the past two years, and over the course of his career he has served in a variety of local and international positions in AER, ranging from Board of Directors and President of the Michigan chapter, Board of Directors of the Northeast Chapter, national committees for the Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) Division such as Certification and Code of Ethics, and as the Chair-elect, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair of the VRT Division of AER. John currently serves as the Immediate Past-Chair of the AER Rehabilitation Counseling and Employment Services Division and served on the VRT Subject Matter Expert Committee of the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP). John currently holds ACVREP certification in Vision Rehabilitation Therapy and has published articles and conducted numerous presentations at various professional conferences through the years.