OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: February 6, 2025
Join OIB-TAC on February 21, 2025, at 2:00 CST, for our next webinar! Are you networking with Area Agencies on Aging in your community?
Providing resources, trainings, and courses for those serving older individuals who are blind or have low vision.
Get Technical Assistance Get Technical AssistanceThe OIB-TAC team provides a variety of training and technical assistance activities to state OIB programs to improve the administration, operation, and performance of OIB programs by addressing the areas of
Every OIB program is unique. Our goal is to help programs tailor strategies to provide the highest quality services.
Help us identify promising practices in administration and service delivery by documenting what is working well and submitting a Promising Practices Submission Form.
Read more about identifying promising practices and download the form.
We host many beneficial and important trainings such as annual conferences and monthly webinars. Courses that will benefit you and your staff, and provide continuing education credits, are available from the National Research and training Center on Blindness and Low Vision.
Continuing Education Opportunities Continuing Education Opportunities
A curated collection of relevant research to support grant writing and inform direct service.
Join OIB-TAC on February 21, 2025, at 2:00 CST, for our next webinar! Are you networking with Area Agencies on Aging in your community?
Join OIB-TAC on February 21, 2025, at 2:00 CST, for our next webinar! Are you networking with Area Agencies on Aging in your community?
This course is designed to offer practical strategies to enhance the everyday lives of individuals who have trouble seeing.
Service providers can have the Weekly Brief sent directly to your inbox by subscribing to the Chapter-2 Listserv. With hundreds of subscribed members, the Chapter-2 listserv is a great way for service providers to share and receive information to better support older blind clients.