OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: June 13, 2024

OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: June 13, 2024

Weekly brief OIB-TAC.

NRTC launches new course: An Overview of Assistive Technology for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

This course provides an overview of the types and uses of assistive technology devices and software for individuals who are blind or have low vision.

Course developers: Tim Richard, Evan MacDonald, Tommi Sue Celli, and Michelle Mason

This course is available for 1.25 CRC, ACVREP, and NBPCB credit.

The course objectives are:

•Identify various types of powered assistive technology and categorize them based on function.

•Recognize the purpose of various types of assistive technology.

•Access resources for information and staying current with assistive technology used by people who are blind and visually impaired.

Please note that this course replaces the former NRTC course, Overview of Assistive Technology for Individuals who are Blind or Visually Impaired. 

Click here for more information or to enroll!

APH features blog post written OIB-TAC staff member Jennifer Ottowitz

OIB-TAC’s own Jennifer Ottowitz was featured by APH for her blog post entitled, “Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: My Experience as a Blind Person”. Jennifer outlines her initial hearing loss, her reliance on hearing as a person who is blind, getting started with OTC hearing aids, and the improvements and challenges of her journey.

Click here to read the blog post!

Looking for more information about OTC hearing aids? Here are some resources:

blind.msstate.edu - ntac.blind.msstate.edu - oib-tac.org