OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: May 9, 2024

OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: May 9, 2024

Weekly brief OIB-TAC.

OIB-TAC May Webinar: Considerations Regarding OTC Hearing Aids When One is Blind or Has Low Vision

Join OIB-TAC on May 17, 2024, for our next webinar! Have you heard the buzz about over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids?  With a growing number of older adults experiencing hearing loss in addition to vision loss, are these types of aids viable options?  Join Carol Hamer and Scott Davert from Helen Keller as we discuss appropriateness, accessibility, and information to help those working with individuals who are blind or have low vision understand the pros and cons of OTC hearing aids for this population.

The National Council on Aging and VisionServe Alliance collaborated to create a toolkit for providers: Enhancing Your Work with Adults with Vision Loss

This resource has tools to help you better understand vision loss and common eye conditions — plus useful tips for working with adults with vision loss, like blindness etiquette. The Toolkit:

  • Gives an overview of vision loss in the US and the prevalence

  • Can help you identify vision loss and learn more about common eye conditions, including those leading to vision loss

  • Includes Images to simulate what your clients may see with specific eye diseases (and the resulting type of vision loss)

  • Offers useful tips for working with adults with blindness and vision loss, including blindness etiquette

Click here to access the toolkit!

Hadley’s Peer-to-Peer Program

This program connects people with a visual impairment to gain new perspectives, problem-solve together, and support and learn from each other. Call 1-800-323-4238 to see if Hadley’s Peer-to-Peer is the right fit for you.

Visit Hadley’s Website to learn more!

APH published an article about Social Isolation and Loneliness

The American Printing House for the Blind published Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Adults and Their Relationship to Vision Loss with data about loneliness and tips for staying connected.

Click here to read the article about Social Isolation!


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