OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: August 31, 2023

OIB-TAC Weekly Brief: August 31, 2023

OIB-TAC Weekly Brief

OIB-TAC Falls Prevention Webinar on September 15th

Preventing falls is crucial to the health and safety of older adults. In observance of National Falls Prevention Awareness Week, OIB-TAC is excited to share an upcoming webinar titled Making a Difference: Social Isolation, Vision, Hearing, and Falls Prevention. The webinar will be held on Friday, September 15th, at 2:00 PM Central.

Presenters: Valerie Biediger MS, M.Ed. and Kirsten Dorsey, OTR/L

In this webinar, Valerie and Kirsten will help draw the connection between how the loss of vision and hearing impact fall risk and increase social isolation. They will discuss how falling can lead to reduced activity levels and low mental health. They will also share their experiences in implementing a fall risk reduction program called A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls and the solutions found to increase participation for people who have vision or hearing loss. 

Participants will have the opportunity to experience a vision and hearing loss simulation, identify strategies to increase participation in evidence-based programming, and hear from a program leader who has vision loss himself about his experiences. 

This webinar is aimed at anyone interested in learning about how participating in evidence-based programming for fall prevention can improve physical health, increase mental well-being, and reduce social isolation in older adults.

Research Articles Collection: Available on the OIB-TAC Website

Discover a wealth of knowledge on aging and vision loss through the Research Articles Collection, available on the OIB-TAC website! In collaboration with the Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition and Vision Serve Alliance, OIB-TAC has curated a collection of peer-reviewed research articles relevant to OIB and related programs. You'll find a range of both free and paid articles to choose from to fuel grant writing and enhance direct service.

Click here to visit the Research Articles Collection!

National Council on Aging: Free Will Resource

The National Council on Aging and FreeWill have partnered to create a free tool to help ensure every older American can create a will that reflects their wishes. The FreeWill tool walks you through the process of creating a will, 100% for free, and often in less than 20 minutes.

Helen Keller National Center: Emergency Preparedness Month Webinar Series

September is National Preparedness Month, an observance to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. Join the Hellen Keller National Center as they present weekly webinars on emergency preparedness for the DeafBlind community, families, and service providers.

The topics for the four-webinar series include: Overview & Disasters, Fire & Home Safety, Lived Experiences of DeafBlind Individuals in Emergencies: A Panelist Discussion, and The Power of Adaptive Technology in Emergencies. Registration is required.

Click here for more information about the webinar series!

Review of Accessible Options for Bathroom Scales

Facts Chronicle recently reviewed various options for accessible bathroom scales for individuals with low vision. A list of products with descriptions of accessible features is below. Additionally, the methodology for determining which products were featured is included (move past the table of products for the methodology).

Click here to view the listing on Facts Chronicle!

Note: OIB-TAC does not endorse any specific adapted device, vendor, or brand of product. This information is meant to increase awareness of the many options available to consumers.